The Cambridge Centre for Proteomics (CCP) is an internationally renowned proteomics facility which strives for the development and application of robust proteomics technology. It is comprised of a core facility that can be accessed through collaboration or fee-for-service managed by Dr Mike Deery, and a research group directed by Professor Kathryn Lilley. CCP is a member of the Department of Biochemistry and located within the Milner Therapeutics Institute.

CCP houses state-of-the-art mass spectrometers and the core facility provides services ranging from sample preparation to quantitative proteomics workflows and data analysis.

CCP’s research centres around themes which couple genomics and proteomics approaches with data analysis using machine learning approaches. Its research aims to understand how localised translation, differential post transcriptional and translational processing, interacting partners and protein structure affect the subcellular location of proteins and their ability to carry out multiple functions.

To enable us to reach these aims, we have developed a set of technologies and workflows, both experimental and computational. These technologies include: LOPIT (the location of organelle proteomics using isotope tagging), which allows the simultaneous mapping of proteins to their subcellular location on a cell-wide scale; and OOPS (orthogonal organic phase extraction), which efficiently samples the RNA binding proteome.

CCP research is funded by the BBSRC and the Wellcome Trust and has multiple collaborations with industrial partners. It is also part of EPIC-XS, a recently funded European Proteomics Infrastructure Consortium including top proteomics laboratories in Europe.

To find out more about the CCP, visit their website here.